How You Can Maintain Oral Health During the Holidays

The holiday season gives us a chance to spend time precious time with our loved ones while indulging in some of our favorite treats. However, those treats can take a toll on your oral health if you aren’t careful. As we approach the seasonal festivities, we wanted to share a few ways you can maintain oral health during the holidays:

  1. Limit Sugary Sweets

It’s hard to resist the famous treats of the holiday season, such as candy games or gingerbread cookies. Many of us may even enjoy a cocktail this time of year too. However, as tempting as they are, they can wreak havoc on your smile. So, limit your indulgences. Try to opt for healthier treats. For example, go for the veggie plate at a holiday party or snack on sliced cheeses. 

  1. Don’t Skip Brushing 

As stressful as the holiday season can be, you still need to keep up with your teeth brushing routine. Make sure you brush for at least two minutes each time. If you’ve had something acidic, such as coffee, citrus fruits, wine, or red meat, you should wait at least 30 minutes before you brush. Otherwise, you could damage your tooth enamel. 

  1. Don’t Skip Your Flossing Routine, Either

Flossing is just as important as brushing. Unfortunately, many adults skip this necessary part of keeping their smile healthy. If you have a hard time flossing at night, consider doing it after a meal. Just make sure you swish your mouth with water or a fluoride mouth rinse after if you aren’t brushing following this routine. Otherwise, those food particles you picked up while flossing stay in your mouth.

  1. Drink Plenty of Water

Staying hydrated is important. It helps you avoid dry mouth and wash away food and bacteria in your mouth. If you have a hard time drinking water, consider adding in sliced citrus fruit for a bit of flavor. Remember, you don’t want to sip a sugary beverage as your source of hydration. Sugar mixes in with the bacteria in your mouth and puts you at risk for cavities.

  1. Schedule Your Dental Checkup

As we near the end of the year, you don’t want to miss out on your final dental checkup for the year. Many insurance plans cover cleanings and exams per year. So if you’ve had only one, you want to take advantage of your insurance benefits before they expire. 

Call Desert Palm Dentistry at one of our two locations today: (623) 288 3819 (Glendale) or (602) 693 1337 (Phoenix). You can also make an appointment online.